Extremist, fundamentalists have been slaughtering one another ever since radical religion first erupted from superstition, mythology and miracles from magic illusions all out of fear of the unknown–prior to the knowledge of science. Human beings still sacrifice their young to the gods of wars–bloody war zone alters of burnt offerings.
Dear Ones,
The band wagon now is filled with those in favor of alternative energy, instead of energy wasted on feuding sects whose brain-childs are illegal toxic chemicals and radioactive child-deforming ammo. Sectarian wars have had a battling score of O for centuries, with no one winning as violence and terrorism only produce more of the lame thing in the endless ongoing game of retaliation–circles of fire.
Make your energy alternative instead of wasting it on murderous weapons and climate warfare that resembles the Three Stooges bopping one another over their senseless heads. Those who are observant are noticing not only state by state accepting marriages for everyone one, but they also are gaining success in renewable energy that causes no oil spills or wars over petroleum.
An old song, Oil on the Brain, needs to be revived, as it was in the play Wellspring of Power about America's longest producing gas well in Murrysville, PA–where men drilling for oil hit gas that exploded and burned for two years, seen all the way into Pittsburgh–as all the trees and birds around the well died and houses burned, followed by the frustration of trying to put out the flame, eventually capped and used to make carbon.
Yes, the astute states are gaining on solar, wind and water power, such as Colorado, Arizona, Minnesota, California and yes, even Washington, D.C.!
California is now creating energy out of garbage and other waste material–a genius of an idea–even manure. The people in Paraguay make musical instruments from refuse for their youths to play during a world symphony tour. And wind turbines are spinning all across the land. Solar energy is even catching on with panels on top of parking lots and on buildings on Alcatraz Island. Creative energy produces endless ways to make alternative energy win and spin. Right now energy is listed as: "dinosaur fuels, nuclear and alternative." The cry is now "Put renewable energy on top of this list! Basta, basta! Enough of old, obsolete ways. A word to the wise is sufficient.
Those not heeding this power of the future and the present, will be be left behind and covered in dust from the band wagon as it moves forward to bring a bright new world, instead of the stench of war.
International peace will only come from healing Earth instead of making its people sick of wars and physicallly ill by their sickening emissions.
Author tweets for young people against wars,
since they are the victims sacrificed for sectarian
politics, greed and ill-gotten power