Specific rival religions regarding this Bible verse were Hebrew and later Christian members who called American Indians and American Africans heathens or infidels as they persecuted them for believing in their own spirituality. Deep roots gnarling the world today started in BCE–before the common era. Even in CE–the common epoch–people still use biased biblical terms from Medieval Latin words in the Gregorian Calendar.
Dear Ones,
To indicate world time by one religious empire that made Christianity legal through Emperor Constantine is preposterous on Earth that tolerates all humane persuasions through inherent free speech. The terms "before Christ" and "anno domini" meaning "in the year of our lord" are passe and ignore ignorantly a multicultural world of many different persuasions, as the three biased Abrahamic branches still compete in rival wars against one another.
The Roman Catholic Church goes even a step further by referring to time as anno domini nostri, in the year of our Lord. This ongoing influence of one religion against all others demonstrates strangling controlling power over the world, a force still demeaning others by sayings "only through Christ can you be saved"–absolutist ideologisy that absolutely is corrupt with bias.
We need to save us all from religious piety and bigotry, also picked up by the Reformation and its protestors, such as the burning alive of Michael Servetus, a great pulmonary scientist for not accepting all the dogmas of the church. And it was John Calvin, a Protestant who was the driving force behind his death.
When will uninformed people realize the United States was not founded on Judeanism with its added Pauline New Testament attached to the original Bible against the wishes of the Hebrews? The US isn't even considered a Christian nation, according to the Treaty with Tripoli in Tunisia in 1797. (Both Tunisia and Turkey are now secular nations, as the US is also–on paper.
Ironically Iraq was a secular nation, but due to its invasion, attack and occupation it is now over run with increased religious civil war fought with fanatic separatism–religionists killing each other in turf wars as the US takes sides that in any dispute causes deep-seated hatred and active revenge–endless, futile wars.
The Treaty of Tripoli states:
"As the government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen (Musselmann, German for Muslims) . . . it is declered . . . that no pretext arising from religious opinion shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countriies."
helenesmith1.blog spot.com