Confucius, Jesus and Mohammad basically taught this rule, the most quintessential world rule there is. This truism was not started by any god or goddess. It's a universal fact that was observed by all the great prophets of Earth, capitalized for respect. (If we spell all the other planets, we can at least give Earth the same recognition.)
Dear Ones,
I heard a friend from the northeast of the United States say a startling thing to us northerners. "When I moved south to Georgia, clerks in supermarkets and other stores would offer to help me an my search for different items. Many times they would actually show me the way to find them!"
My friend also admitted, "Now I'm even becoming a better person by their good example." Internationally the Golden Rule would bring peace, harmony and understanding to multitudes of different cultures throughout the world. And we wouldn't witness presidential candidates filled with hate threatening to blow up other nation's oil wells and refineries, something terrorists do.
Helene Smith (Mame),
founder of World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)