Face the facts. The U.S. has social security and many other social institutions and organizations. Bernie Sanders is right. Young people need to have free college education and health care. What kind of a country neglects its youths and inwardly likes to sacrifice soldiers as its hawks think it is such an honor to destroy their lives! How selfish can we be?
Old fogies would rather have wounded warriors to prayer over than healthy young adults to champion. These youths are their own future, not ours. Racism and religionism have conditioned and programmed America's mentality to perpetual foreign proxy civil wars in the Middle East so complex we end up shooting the Shiites against the Sunnis and the reverse order as well. How dumb, now stupid is that as bullets and bombs boomerang back to us making us completely unsafe! We the people must tame our own lust for war extremist religions to keep fighting down to at least a distant roar.
Help the helpless world-wide but don't fuel radical persuasions as an excuse for war. Jesus the great peacemaker would never condone leaders who cause war zone slaughter. But who really takes his prophetic good words seriously? War mongers love the smell of gun smoke and weaponry causing the most carbon in the air as aggression and revenge are the grossest gas guzzlers in the world.
Soldiers must be confined to quintessential domestic needs. Our worst fear is Earth perishing in industrial military man-made fanatical weather added to nature's tragedies. Oceans swell and drown islands from polar ice melting from hot wars. Our federal coffers would have more than enough money for free college education, vo-tech schools and health care for everyone, without any tax raise whatsoever.
"The Pentagon holds more than 80 percent of the government's total inventories including $6.8 billion of excess, obsolete or unservable [material possessions]. "–Mother Jones.
How much more bloatng do we want our government to hog away taxpayers' unneeded funds. We also pay for building and maintaining thousands of contaminating military bases, many abandoned without clean-up all over the globe-what causes "ugly Americans."
Helene Smith (Mame),
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)