Started in the 12th century the Inquisition of hatred, misunderstanding and terrorism is still in effect through the "holy" office now a term the Catholic Church disguises out of embarrassment, with its censorship of books, which is an egregious affront to human rights. But at least the church terrorism ruling the government has been conquered. Now the Muslim world must outlaw their Jihadist terrorists that wag the dogma of violence,
As a result the members still to this day are not permitted to read anything about the evil history of this institution. But many of them disobey the hierarchy as they also use birth control that eliminates abortions, a strange dichotomy, another dogma that divides them within their faith.
This background history resonates among the world today because the dreadful Inquisition in which many European sites now show places were heretics (unbelievers of church dogma) were burned alive at the stake, the lethal reality of the church ruling the state, why America's founding fathers were adamant about separating the church from the state for good reason–why European colonists wanted to escape from the clutches of the Catholic Church of England.
After centuries of inhuman terrorism the members rose up, such as one in particular, Martin Luther who promoted the split in Catholicism, what brought about the Reformation that resulted within the hierarchy–the protesters became the new Protestants. Yet this was just the beginning of the enlightenment within the church.
All the violence and terrerorim that the Inquisition of numerous nationalities enforced with coerced converts with tortured to death is now repeated by Muslim Jehadists repeating the old Crusades (meaning cross-bearers) and Inquisition with the same fear and terrorism engulfing the old world as it is now with the new. Since change is difficult it took centuries for the people to rise up against sinister church and state in tandem with one another.
So we all must realize that reforming Jihadists is not easy with tremendous fear and suffering globally. However, fortunately the world's powers are uniting so that the present Inquisition of torture and death by the sword will not take so long dark aages to cure. Only through everyone working together to rid the world of this repeated history will change occur and help moderate good Muslims as well as the entire Earth, our only common home now in chaos in the Middle East. This is here the original Semitical religion, a three-sworded rivalry, started–Jew, Christian and Muslim, the later the youngest kid on the street.
However, radical fanatical religious evolution will not only take all people internationally to increase world secutity, law and order, but it also means leaders of the three fighting Semitic faiths must change within their corrupt absolutist teaching of youths wrong behavior. Their minds are immature and follow authoritarianism readily. This is one reason why Jihadists can recruit so many youths to willingly kill themselves an others in suicidal attacks,
Nevertheless, the most provoking reason of all are young men entrapped as displaced refugees with no jobs, no futures other than poverty and suffering and no hope of living a happy life–what America pursues with liberty, freedom and justice for all. he world's youths always sacrificed on the alters of fire called battlefields of blood and gore. The real root cause of the history of chaos and turmoil within maddening persuasions called ideology.
No prayers can help up unless we all are unified and not segregated from one another originally in white steepled churches not allowing dark complexioned people in their pious doors, We need to have a revolution against bigoted "white" people thinking they're supreme still taking its toll in our children and grandchildren,
Helene (Mame),