Wednesday, August 24, 2016


No mortal being should ever be in charge of retaliation with a nuclear bomb by another Earth shaking nuclear bomb in return, that means mutual destruction.  Even the inventors ordered to devise such  world holocaustic weapons as nuclear bombs and H-bombs, including the impossible "back yard bomb," adamantly say never to use such genocidal weaponry on human beings and all life!  NEVER, NEVER, NEVER! Yet super nuclear powered nations have a designated carrier and two military guards following the president around like secretively programmed agents in case a nuclear bomb is decided to be used.  What a losing game of football!–with none of us winners.

So how does a nation ward off any nation testing, dropping on land, see and in air such end-of-world  weapons, the only world we know? The first step is for NATO to threaten any rogue country committing iillegal violations against International Law and its Court, whether any nation decides not to join such a pact for international peace or not. The enforcement of such a law is quintessential since everyone has to pay for their own free-wheeling stupidity.. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Imprisonment brings back memory and knowledge fast.

But what if such a fool would do such a lame-brain thing?  Two steps are necessary:

1. For a kinder more peaceful world nation must think in terms of negotiation and diplomacy instead of slash and burn aggression.  Earth has for centuries become contaminated with rhe environment so badly pollted itt is now gasping from all the accumulated explosions.  It's not enough to just eliminate the stockpiles of hell fire, but the corporate industrial war facilities belching into the lower atmosphere.must cease fire, too.  We all must change our thinking for safety and survival.

2. Nations must do what they promised to do–eliminate their stock piles of  nuclear weapons since they are obsolete and illegal if used. Even the threat should be illegal since a threat can cause the effect of a holocaust. America could take the lead reported through the media of how many nukes are destroyed on US soil each month as promised. Since war is considered a game, make a game of the regular nukes destroyed, as other nations would join the band wagon for solidarity. Those not complying would be pariah's in the eye of the world. Since even war mongers like to play games with human lives. even invent board games to see which nation makes the next nuclear free bomb country.

What greater news, the first super power nation to totally become nuclear bomb free! Such a nation would be rewarded globally.  Because it takes courageous to go against the usual centuries of religious wars.

Let us not forget such great presidents who promised America to be nuclear bomb free–Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama,. Present presidential candidates for nuclear free United States, are Dr. Jill Stein, Bernie Sanders and possibly Gary Johnson. Already Donald Trump has questioned if any nation at all should have nuclear bombs. As an outsider non-established conditioned candidate he has encouraged America to think in a global society.

As President J. F. Kennedy declared, "Those who make peaceful revolutions impossible will make violent revolutions inevitable."  And no one can dispute Bernie Sanders is the one calling for a revolution to change America for the better, as the peace-loving candidates also do.

Helene, World Enlightened News WEN
co-author with Los Alamos nuclear physicist Bill Beyer, the publication of  The Making of the H-Bomb, Fission Fusion Fission