His lyrics read about a friend "killed on Hamburger Hill, the day the sun stood still–gun fire spilled blood . . . . "
It's over time for nations spilling blood eternally for politics as babies and kids either die or are traumatized for life. Even today, just as Christians killed Christians, Muslims and Hebrews, all belonging to the same Mosaic family, keep centuries of bloodshed running as the women mourn forever the deaths of their daughters and sons trained to kill–youths killing youths by rival faith governments internationally defying the good teachings of their moral gods, as Christian Catholics killed Protestant Christians and vice verso in Ireland for decades upon decades.
Today endless retaliation and vengeance go round and round in the ill-fated illegitimate Bush wars in the Middle East where Christianity began. Nations that sell weapons that are used against them, often p;oisons and gases outlawed by the Geneva Convention in Syria and Iraq are plagued by Muslims killing Muslims and Christian soldiers in the same oil and water aggression take turns freeing their cities, like a video game that actually slaughters. Make friends not enemies by not bombing one another from a distance. The people themselves must lead and be accountable for their own people to stop such brutal inhumane catastrophes.
President Trump believes in law and order. The only way for wars to stop is through a strong responsible United Nations and International Law and its Court enforcing peace to relieve the world's people from extremist war religions. President Clinton signed the treaty for the United States to join-this last chance for world peace. But President G.W. Bush broke the contract. He' was afraid of his own skin being up for war crimes at the Hague. Did the Bush family buy thousands of acres in Paraguay for protection from the law? I don't know. War is the most complex endless problem of the entire history of Earth.
World Enlightened News, W.E.N.
author of Entire Songbird Angels for Peace helenesmith1.blogspot.com Fats Domino is one of the angels with anti-war lyrics