There is never any cause or reason to go against this international nuclear agreement since in delaying it could cause genocidal murderous deaths to billions with mutual destruction to all peoples. When a nation tests for ballistic missiles the next step in this threatening violence is arming them. Urgent ratification for the CTBT would prevent any of this perilous activity.
All the testing of nuclear bombs with new addition of testing ballistic missiles are accumulate fallout that keeps causing cancer and other diseases, poisoned food, contaminated water and harm to the ecosystem. These nuclear weapons being tested and stockpiled in arsenals make the world less safe, especially from endless war-torn accumulative toxic emissions for maniacal terrorism.
What is disheartening and embarrassing is the United States being one of the delaying nations, since this country is included in the rogue league with North Korea that keeps threatening Earth with nuclear radioactive ballistic missile tests. Both President Reagan and President Obama promoted a nuclear free world.
World Enlightened News WEN founder of this news source