We all are models for one another–good or bad. We never know when we influence others by our words and actions. What we say may trigger youths to follow the wrong path, Vilified young people often commit suicides for these nessages as they also commit suicides in a turbulent world of heinous shrapnel and barrel bombs as Earth's persuasions of ideology rule endless wars.
It is constant satanic revenge that triggers terrorism and violence. Naive youths who follow ISIS leaders do not have jobs or are rich with good values. They are very vulnerable and will follow any warped loser. These young men are starved from lack of identity and a platform to express their young emotions and voices in a world of indifference. Thus they gravitate to a path of weak leaders who perilously leads them to their death. If they amazing live they face imprisonment,
In the Middle Ages thieves were incarcerated for life. Poverty compelled them to steal, the story of Les Miserables. Their hands were "tied" from repaying the victims. In the same way radicalized youths who want to express themselves must be protected from vice. Those accused of cult crimes must have a positive place where they can achieve their goals legally.
This could be done through organized "Connected Circles of Power"for Expressing Grievances" where they can air and discuss problems together, with a professional moderator. Even graduation with certificates of pride for success would also lessen world-wide violence and terrorism through civil discussion and secular education.
World Enlightened News W.E.N.
author of Cry For Peace, published by Create Space, found in www.macdonaldsward.com