The Catholic Church claims "universal" and supreme to all other World religions. Today biblical ads of all Christian churches appear on highway billboards proving this is so–only through "Christ you can be saved," So it must be true. But Jesus of Nazareth didn't know what the word "Christ" meant. Jewish people were expecting a Messiah, The word "Christ" was coined by Pharisee Paul who founded the first church in Antioch. If Jesus had been assassinated in another way the members would have displayed a noose or a guillotne on each World steeple spiking the sky, instead of a cross. Jesus actually wrote not one word. His followers, especially Paul a Pharisee in Asia Minor, said his words were "the words of God" in the New Testament. Today there is at least one or more TV 24-hour programs in which two priests discuss their man-made dogma. They allow viewers to ask questions from the audience or by phone. Since no deity ever spoke to a mortal, it's so easy to invent words. They make up the answers saying they are from "God" and add, "Send us money so our program can continue." And the naive believe them. When I was a child I spoke as a child, I understood as a child. But when I became a woman I put away childish things. One day in my early years a childhood friend told my sister and me we were going to burn in Hell for ever. When we questioned "Who told you so?, the young girl named Vivian said, "My priest told me in church. He told everyone if they didn't belong to the Catholic Church, they were sinners and wouldn't see heaven." Today such terrorism has been modified. Church leaders in some institutions now say "You will be separated from God forever" instead of incinerated for eternity. Priests from the time they are born to the time they are ordained are programed and conditioned to Catholicism and its dogma such as forbidding women to use birth control. With birth control there's no reason for abortions,
World Enlightened News, W.E.N.