It began with the bIoody Crusades sIaughtering Jews and MusIims so the aggressors wouId be top dog WorId reIIgionists through proselyting for tax (tythe) paying members the richest gIobal faith that claims it is the only true persuasion among thousands of other World religions. Then came more centuries of the Catholic Inquisition that wickedly stretched to death or used other punishment against unbelievers who defied accepting church dogma Meanwhile deadly cardinal sins were being committed during more centuries by priests of different degrees in their hierarchy of child abuse These include those committed by pornographic predators and molesters of Catholic youths It is no secret how these men for centuries have draped themselves in long-robe crimes forced on innocent children as they threaten them with Hell on Earth if they tell who raped them Pope Frances prays for forgiveness of pedophile priests of the entire hierarchy But the priests are the guilty ones who prey on youths They must be incarcerated for the reason of justice Then they can spend their time in prisons begging for forgiveness There the inmate can clean their own cells and other quarters. These molesters cause their victims endless phycological guilt when it is the priests who must spend their time praying for forgiveness while in jail for their crimes It is one thing if men in common have sex among one another with consent for aII those involved But raping children without their consent is a serious cardinal crime No religionists faiths are above the law! Few Christians read the entire New Testament. I remember being Pharisee Paul of what is now Turkey. authored and influenced most of its pages. Within it he advises men to never marry women, what started celibacy and the church made him a saint!–what was the beginning of child abuse within the church.
World Enlighten News W.E.N.
HCS investigative journalist