Saturday, April 16, 2016


The main thrust of the problem is for all state across the nation to transform their corrective institutions as they now stand into positive, contributing working farms. Fortunately U.S. Federal decree eliminated antiquated debtor's prisons in 1833. Today's prisons also operate on ridiculous schemes. Debtors in prison can never earn a living to pay their debts, just as modern prisons waste could space where inmates contribute nothing other than license plates and chain gangs that once cleaned up rubbish along roads.

Creatively this dilemma can be reversed into a grand plan.  Transformed U.S. prisons having new purposes and goals would have a new name for a new beginning in America. These institutions with the title MURDERERS WHO SERVE (M.W.S) would get deranged mental ill gun killers off the streets if the nation and at the same time do worth while things to serve others for their crimes. Right now criminals who are incarcerated ironically are given everything free as they are the served instead of being the servers. This illogical arrangement is absolutely backwards, a shameful sham and satire. Prisoners must work for their stay.

When a person takes a life the punishment must be more than a locked community. In the 1970s George H. Walker Bush, director of the CIA. had American Indians, Puerto Ricans and other dark complexioned people sterilized every time they entered a hospital.  American Indian Senator James Abourezk exposed this disgrace through Congress. This was involuntary genocide against cultures where so called "white" supremacists wanted to control population. However, if the same action were done to murderers it would keep the bad gene pool down and also solve other problems. And there would be no forlorn babies caused by rape.

Serious murder requires serious means of punitive action. Meanwhile the prison bar doors could be removed and used for grape arbors throughout the land where the people would make wine and grape juice under professional supervision. This would happen after the new system would be safe to allow the cells to be their permanant rooms.  This idea was used years ago by Old Economy near Butler, PA.  The celebate group was later moved to New Economy in Indiana.  The original site is now a historic landmark of great interest. As a clan working for self survival they brought great wealth to the community.

Returning to the bar doors, the rest of the bars would remain in place as the inmate would have privacy in a corner of the room covered on half wall for dressing in the bedrooms. These walls would be make from recycled cartons in which the inmates could draw with crayons pictures their own design. The entrance doors would be made of wood with locks on the inside for safety from oe another. This would happen as the institution became an open gun-and automobile free society.  Any one disobeying the law and order would be further punished, by not by obsolete  straight jackets and locked in solitary confinement. Anyone cruelly and inhumanely treated would go crazy under such situations if they weren't deranged already,.

There would be a library, as most prisoners have. These books would be furnished by the surrounding communities. Unless states that believed in execution for murders, these inmates would be incarcerated for life of serving others through their labor and own creativity, such as crayon pictures and murals sold to the public.

The product the inmates produce, besides vegetable, fruits from  dwarf fruit trees would bring money for supporting all the buildings already constructed and having all necessariy facilities in place. These institutions would also be recycling centers where the people make things from broken furniture and other items trucked in to the locations..  None of the residents would have cars or own trucks.  A visitors parking lot would be outside the premises.  The products and produce they make would be shipped out to nearby locations with special labels on them reminding people that criminals are now working to make Earth a better place.

They would make their own musical instruments, as do the residents of Paraguay who have their own band with instruments made from their island built on a garbage dump.  Or musical instruments  could  donated for their own band and orchestra. Those talented in singing could be members of their own choir.  Men and women with humor could be commedians. An entrepreneur group could write a script for their own movie, which could be viewed nation wide, with their own director and inmate characters  playing the parts. Each one could teach one another, an idea that originally came from Africa. The education would keep them preoccupied when they weren't working to pay for their crimes.  Of course in no way will the families of their victims get relief from murderers, but at least they would know the criminals would not be idlem living off state governments. 

There's no end to the creativity that would be created for good purposes.  Since no one would be allowed to have guns, they could learn and teach each other jujitsu, etc. for safety from one another. Since these properties already are secure with walls and fences, there would be less people on the highways for dangerous police chases that threaten the lives of all travelers.

Gun lobbyists would wither with no state government funds to support them and no powerful lobbyists.  Guns do not kill. Ammunition kills. Legislative government laws would make military ammo illegal.

The above plan would be in its fail-safe solutions to especially eliminate those who cowardly attack little children in schools and those enrolled in higher education.  And as for the general public changing legislation positively against lethal guns, positive measures would  makes more sense than  negative law suites.

Tough measures must come under tough law and order because violence and terrorism of taking a life is the worst possible crime to victims' families that grieve the rest of their lives.

Helene Smith,
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)