Hillary already with negative baggage brought up the awful tragedy of gunning down little children at Sandy Hook, what Bernie had no control over. But she forgot her decision to aid and abet the G.W. Bush Administration that not only killed and maimed for life millions of young people but also caused combat soldiers on both sides of the Iraq-Afghanistan wars to bear children of gross deformities. Where was her so-called compassion in unneeded wars that disabled much of the Middle East? Did she not research the cost of lives before making her decision to vote for Pyrrhic wars not worth their price. Fighting terrorism is different than controlling the world for its oil,
This generational genocide caused by illegally carpet bombing urban zones blasted these nations to smithereens, a coined world from the radioactive modern age of nuclear missiles. The women in Fallujah, Iraq are still bearing deformed babies as our American and allied combat soldiers' women also do. But the women in the Middle East have to bury their own children since the women's husbands are dead from futile religious wars of thoughtless politicians–who like to euphemise war words as "ideologies." But we all know they are from three Semitic branches of the same religion, a related blood feud of killing one another for centuries–why their members close their ears. I used to be one of them, but I'm a recovering Christian and my feelings run with high compassion for war victims.
The reason why U.S. soldiers have the atrocious tragedy of children suffering through these war-torn malformations their entire lives is from their parents handling and fighting in the toxic environment of these deadly devices of war.
Did Hillary Clinton forget the Vietnam War and Agent Orange toxic herbicide causing horrible deformities in soldiers' infants? Maybe she didn't know about these facts because the Pentagon doesn't want the public to be aware of the genetic hazardous outcomes of modern poisonous wars in which nations export their gene deforming chemicals and biological warfare.
But the victims whose children, if they survive, are born with missing legs arms, two heads, cyclops eyes and organs hanging outside their tiny bodies, know all about the suffering. Few people think about all the deformed animals that are pets as well, from international lethal wars.
Helene Smith,
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)