Tuesday, December 26, 2017


The most devastating, savage histories against [humankind are the following war crimes:

THE GREAT COMMISSION that reduced  First Americans to 1-2 percent of United States population badly oppressed traditionalist Indians on reservations, the last of their original lands.  Jesus of Nazareth never wrote anything about the Catholic devastating Commission. He was a Semite, a Jew.  Pharisee Paul of what is now Turkey didn't  know Jesus. He more than 300 years before the loving peacemaker's birth, influenced and wrote most of the New Testament that was tacked on to the larger ancient Hebrew Bible against the wishes of the Jews. Paul fixated against his fellow Hebrews for killing Jesus, what later influcnced the horrible Nazi Holocaust.

THE FINAL DECISION  of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi members to annihilate all Jews and people they didn't like–7000 of this culture counting those who later died from ts aftermath

THE MIDDLE ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE that eliminated millions of people captured in Africa, as Africa.
THE APARTEID IN SOUTH AFRICA and other parts of that nation

THE CORRUPTION OF ILLEGAL AND LEGAL DRUGS  with moxt deaths from legal prescriptions 

THE INVENTIONS AND NUCLEAR RADIO-LOGICAL BOMBS AND MISSiLES, as deadly nuclear waste is used in ammo powerful enough to drill holes in tanks ever since the 1990-1991 Desert Storm Gulf War. This highly lethal nuclear waste from uranium 238 (DU) causes catastrophic deaths of combat parent's infants–monster jelly fish mutilated faces and missing limbs, sometimes with cyclops eyes and two heads. The illegal war crime of 2003 caused the most deformities of infants with women still afraid of pregnancy.in Fallujah, Iraq when it was carpet bombed over and over again with toxic nuclear waste ammo–black smoke emissions circling Earth, shades of Agent Orange in Vietnam. This is an international war crime that media needs to address. But how can they in a war economy that the U,S brushes off as "boys will be boys!

"The pioneers of a warless World would be the young men (and women) who refrain from military servuce'."_ . . . Albert Einstein  (Who among us has more wisdom than this great scientist?)

In modern wars, all armed forces are quintessential to serve globally and save humanity from drastic wild climate chang, frantic weather and centuries of scorch and burn militants causing emission build up of toxic chemical and radio-active weapons now made with lethal nuclear waste powerful enough to blow holes in to tanks with nuclear waste 238 and 235 uranium (DU ) bullets that also cause infants horrible deaths or long-life monster birth defects. The worst cases are transparent jellyfish babies without bones and visible naked heart beats. This affects Earth's entire biosphere, too. The new draconian warfare began during the 1990-1991 Gulf War Desert Storm when nuclear waste was illegally used.
World Enlighten News, W.E.N.
Helene C. Smith, human rights activist for principles and values of International Law and Court on behalf of Peace