- Let Israel have her ancient Zionist Jerusalem capital. But the Palestine Partition Resolution 181 (11) partition involves a Palestine and Arab states too, for fair, honest, justice, equality and international peace. The Dome of Rock if zoned a common neutral district is already protected by a No Fly Zone as is Vatican City that a Pope made safe. The United Nations passed Resolution 781 for Bosnia that led to Operation Sky monitoring protection through no Fly Zones. However, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) whose quintessential function is to guarantee freedom, neglects to enforce the violations against liberty. There can't be law and order unless those not abiding by the rules are penalized, such as war criminals. The protected Dome of the Rock's district could could have one neutral foreign embassy building with individual foreign offices. This, too, would end expensive embassies competing with one another. This building could have its common roof covered with solar panels and wind turbines to save energy. The Middle East has become a hot bed of terrorism and violence, especially with lethal toxic ammunition deforming infants with gross birth defects from the Bush 2003 attack on Iraq as Syria was is also devastated from deadly carpet bombing. Such war ia an epidemic of grief and endless lines of refugees and broken human rights.
"'Whoever sheds man's blood, by man the blood shall be shed."
–Genesis 9:1-6
World Enlighten News, W.E.N.
Helene, international peace activist