Friday, June 20, 2014


The Senator Riegle Report of 1994 in Congress reveals Reagan/Bush warrior administrations' documentation of arming Iraq in the Mesopotanium Cradle of Civilization against Iran from1980-88.  This illegal toxic Iran-Iraqi War caused half a million casualties, with  both sides suffering gross fatalities.
Dear Ones,

A short break from my blog to again work on my historical novel, Forever After, the life of  Jedediah After Smith, Indian son of Jedediah Strong Smith who founded more western passes than Lewis and Clark.

So now, back to my blog. Today there is more more radical change in this area of the Middle East.  Let us all hope that this new US policy in Iran will help the international world gain peace against extremist uncivilized religions with the rest of the world caught in the crossfire–the grossest problem on planet Earth.  For centuries on end the three Abrahamic persuasions are still trying to kill one another off in capricious fighting–what happened to First Nations in America with the government in cahoots with missionaries given free land taken from the indigenous people–the quintessential reason for separation of church and state.

In 1845 New York newspaper editor, John O'Sullivan, coined an expression that still provokes violence dotay– "Manifest Destiny"–that together with Paul's Great Commission to take other nations' land in the name of divine order from "God," still causes terrorism.  This false power continues to antagonize other branches of this ancient religion into to taking endless retaliation–what is happening right now as I write..  When will leaders of this bloody triangle of revenge call off their dogs?

Author tweets for international peace and
welfare of combat veterans