Friday, August 5, 2016


The FBI investigation found Clinton to be seriously careless, negligent and many others call her a reckless hawk.  Does America really want another war monger president who supported the G. W. Bush-Cheney needless invasion (for oil and its control), attack and occupation in two simultaneously committed wars of occupation that cost three trillion dollars,–lock, stock and barrel. Although he didn't approve of this war, President Barack Obama inherited it and all of Pandora's Box that went with it?  Most of thinking America was protesting this horrible terrorism, just for the record.

Is not this a war crime itself according to International Court and its Cort, especially since so much carpeted bombing is still causing gross deformities in the babies of Fallujaha, Iraq and Afganistan and even in the infants born of many combat soldiers handling toxic, poisonous chemicals and radioactive weaponry. This genetic atrocity of genocide alone is unlawful. But none of the media will talk about this nefarious atrocity, as Agent Orange in Vietnam also caused birth defects worse than any mosquito can cause.  Unfortunately there's no vaccine for unlawful wars against humanity.

There is another woman presidential candidate who does not carry the baggage and barriers to got over that Hillary Clinton is weighed down with. But in America, those who win presidency has to be bought with extreme amounts of money.  So the best qualified don't have a chance. 

Helene, World Enlightened News WEN
author of essay Songbird Angels for Peace, millions of lyrics too long to list about musicians protesting endless futile youth-killing wars by old established politicians not willing to sacrifice their own lives