Moving illegal immigrant children seeking asylum from one place to another only prolongs the problem that multiplies instead of squelching it at the point if entry.
Dear Ones,
Refugees thrown out of countries at war with another is a world-wide dilemma. This can be solved with border schools conducted year round where they are needed. Charitable organizations and even religious humanitarian groups could all team up to provide dormitories and kitchens and make secure the youths by trained guards. Governments of these nations in need would also provide funding for this endeavor
However, in no way can religious teachers that prosylitize for new members be permitted to teach. The education must be unbiased secular training with no priests allowed since they historically continue to rape children.
This education would lead to scholarships and to humanitarian employment–a way for youths to pay back society for their free education.
Having received their degrees in humanitarian training, they could then seek employment as adults in any nation of their choice. In the interim these children would be protected, fulfilling the humanitarian moral oblications of a civilized society.