When any institute proclaims that it is the one and only faith in the world, violence and terrorism results. In all wars children are the main victims suffering for the most of their lives, what also involves rape and sanctions.
Dear Ones,
Christopher Hitcthens, "one of the most brilliant journalists of our times," (London Observer) and named number five among top 100 intellectuals by Foreign Policy and Britain's Prospect. Hitchens wrote: "God did not make us. We made God. We damage our children and endanger the world through religious poison everywhere." Fraudulent religion has been killing one another in the original Abrahamic circle of Semitic fire ever since the New Testament written mostly under the influence of Pharisee Paul of Asia Minor (now Turkey) who persecuted Jesus as Paul started his own persuasion and was sainted by the church.
Religion, the original sin, has a number of common traits: sexual repression and labeling as "dirty"; religious "cleansing; often blood sacrifice carried over to war zones; people born in sin; human words manipulated as to coming from a god; pious hypocrisy; a false view of the world; eternal punishment of hell or separation from your god for non believers; impossible man-made rules; cause of hatred and conflict as seen in the related three Abrahamic faiths trying to kill one another ever since the beginning of Christianity; interferes with the lives of non-believers; and forceful conversion by zealot proselyitzers.
Blind religion poisons everything as churches depend upon taxing the people through tithes through a death cult and Armageddon in the book of Revelation, the fixation of a hundred-years-old fanatical man by the name of John on an island of Patmos in Greece.
There is no justification for religion in today's world since many institutions are altruistic giving help to others in need. The days of tricky trumped up miracles and superstition are over, with reason power and science taking over in the form of evolution. After the death of Jesus, even Paul and Barnabas were bringing people back to life since they were not diagnosed as dead. In primitive times lacking medical knowledge many people were buried alive.
The Catholic church was not alone in its Inquisition and militant court. John Calvin, the founder of the Calvinist church, was responsible for killing scientist Michael Servetus by burning him alive at the stake! Women called witches by the church quoting passages from the Bible were also killed in Europe and in the United States.
No churches could exist without man's fear of the dark, excommunication and the mysteries of nature, all covered by the hit and miss of unreliable prayer, a throw of dice. In reality, excommunication can be looked as an escape to freedom of thought and mind.
Today religion propaganda has gone south in evangelical churches bent with right wing madness. In the North more and more people realize the historical corruption of the church.
helenesmith1.blog spot.com