Friday, October 16, 2015


For example, when U.S. was are declared churches are draped in political bunting,  For years many of my essays involved "radical preachers"–President Kenyatta of Kenya's words–provoking terrorism among the world's youth. For the first time I heard this truth from a prominent leader in Africa who said this on TV. 

Dear Ones,

The main reason for historic wars has always been absolutist rulers taking advantageous of their forceful power position to gain land, natural resources and control of other nations and territorial governments–the spoils of war. But today the reason for these wars have escalated to survival against nuclear missiles.  So what is the solution for endless sectarian civil (religious) wars, that amount to uncivilized madness?.

By now all thinking people realize the three related rival religions have lone wolf extremists and well-organized followers trying  to exterminate each others faiths, even within their own nations, shades of the torturous Inquisition and beheadings.  The cross-bearing extremist Ku Klux Klan finally was harnessed from lynching with strong laws and penalties while ISIS continues to endanger humanity.

Does anyone think radical leaders must call off their dogmas that declare "My religion is the only real, legitimate one?"  The pitchers continue to pour out fighting words into the minds of those already conditioned and programmed to aggression, often young people who listen to authoritarians instigating terrorism .  But youths of today are more astute than most of us think. Why should they take the brunt of wars when adults sit at home willing to sacrifice their  lives for any cause war mongers can hang bunting on.

Just this past week a  new Pauline religion, among thousands of others, takes its man-written persuasion books as Latin sanctum sanctorum.  They interpreted the Bible as meaning parents must beat their children for their inherent sins.  Sadly one son is dead from satanic religious corruption and the other one almost died from the "holiest of holies."

If preachers in power would stop blaming their gods for committing wars, Earth would be a much better place among all the stars and planets in the universe. And young people wouldn't have to be sacrificed as primitive men did by their burnt offerings of youths to the gods. Superstition and fear are still the world's worst bane.

Abusive archaic beliefs still provoke corruption in a global flaming tinderbox.  Let's bring in some sunlight to relieve the dark shadows of the past.

Helene Smith (Mame),
World Enlightened News (W.E.N