International Law and its Court (ICC), the Hague in Netherlands and UN Security system must enforce violation of nuclear doomsday weapons in reckless hands in which anyone can make a mistake. Wars cause most problems on Earth, recognizing them as illegitimate as they are, is a holistic way of getting rid of the whole shebang in one quick chop. People, we must wake up and smell the odor of doomsday gunpowder. Increase in genocidal weapons reduce safety and cause vicious rivalry called war revenge that never ceases.
Centuries of accumulative toxic contamination in lower atmosphere melts icebergs quickly. Nature's climate change is slow. But man's lust for gun powder, selfish power, control and other nations' natural resources provoke loaded trade winds full of excessive radioactive nuclear radiation to overcome Earth in fallout and earthquakes causing cancer, leukemia and other diseases. Get a whiff of the saltpeter on land, in sea and in the air.
Get a moratorium against nuclear bombs and nuclear nosecone ballistic missile testing and its subsequen wars. Ban them from modern upgrades of genocidal weaponry forever! We all live under the same sky. We are all victims of massive devastation in a war-torn world of a militant industrial complex fixated on death instead of life, liberty and happiness.
WENew author of Fission, Fusion, Fission with Los Alamos nuclear physicist Bill Beyer, friend and employee of Stanislaw Ulam and Edward Teller, inventors of genocidal H-Bomb