Monday, September 25, 2017


Why does any nation with atomic bombs up the guzu make the have-nots demand them too? Injustice and unfairness results in a World wanting to blow one another to smithereens, a nuclear coined word. Man can learn from history but political egotists and those defying justice often don't know World history. People of  Earth are now witnessing new satanic testing of nuclear bombs similarly to the former rivalry between the United States and Russia's cold war that could immediately burst into a hot World war with rockets bursting in red glare. Nations already have caused toxic chemical atmospheric emissions circling Earth in cancerous fallout.  Common sense says threatening with massive genocidal bombs can erupt in holocaustal wars through empowerment of hawk politicians who become rivals fixated on militant  solutions that never work since circular combat revenge is endless. American Indians still suffer the most from the burden of nuclear tests and toxic emissions. The government through chicanery took over sovereign reservations for disastrous under ground nuclear testing like in Nevada and else in the American West where indigenous land is dumped upon with radioactive nuclear waste and chronic human and animal diseases from this corrupt holocaust of massive genocide takes its. toll.  After WW II U.S. atlases were marked as "danger zones" that followed borders of Indian reservations. These were eventually eliminated since it was embarrassing to those responsible for  reckless nuclear testing on and near Indian territory, their last lands. Besides atmosphere warfare Earth is burdened with weaponizing water in the Himalayan region. China  withholds water from India, such as in Delhi. Meanwhile, the World must stop stale nuclear threats from stored nuclear bombs as well as the intimidated wanting them too. Cyber threats are even worse. There is a new monster on main street! No threats of nuking one another  do not cause genocidal wars. GENOCIDE IS ILLEGAL  INSTEAD COMMUNICATE. DON'T DEVASTATE.

World Enlightened News, W.E.N.