Secret activity of HAARP in Alaska, Puerto Rico, Norway and Russia amounts to environmental warfare. These powerful electro-magnification fields of heat and radio waves through multiple antenna transmitters are forceful enough to disrupt nature. Courageous Edward Snowden has beeb banished in exile from exposing what Earth is now up against, besides the threat of -----satanic nuclear weaponry. Should anyone question secrecy that whistle-blowers historically have revealed–those such as Daniel Ellsberg regarding President Nixon. W. Mark Felt Deep Throat FBI official in Nixon Watergate scandal, Edward Snowden, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assage, Karen Hudes who reported chicanery and dishonesty of World Bank, and (Chelsea) Bradley Manning who was imprisoned for exposing concern she witnessed on battlefields started in 2003 in Afghanistan-Iraqi G. W. Bush invasion, attack and occupation–civilian deaths, destruction and mayhem. Without those brave enough to expose secrets that the public should hear, government corruption rages on. Edward Snowden knows the truth about government manipulation of the weather such as history of Vietnam War in which a secret additional war in Laos and Cambodia lengthened the natural monsoon season so enemy supplies couldn't get through to foe lines. Clouds were seeded to cause a long flooding deluge. Can HAARP in Alaska, now under auspices of the University, as well in in Puerto Rico, Norway and Russia, etc cause multiple lighting strikes, floods, droughts, earthquakes, volcano eruptions and even mind control. Edward Snowden divulges much that the World should know. This brings Earth to a new type order–cold war involving changing Mother Nature to Father Disaster heating up the ionosphere that in turn warms the atmosphere, a device that can be used to conquer or annihilate rogue nations through climate change? But who are the rogue nations? Any county that stores genocidal nuclear bombs and radioactive missiles is a threat to others because leaders can go mad and berserk use their own reckless uncontrolled power to kill millions of innocent people. In today/s World there is no nuclear militant solution. Only sincere debate and rhetoric of common sense, intelligence and humanitarian means can solve World problems. But beware, even conventional weaponry can start a nuclear war. Don't do to others what you don't want done to you–prophets Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad.
World Enlightened News, W.E.N.
Helene, concerned World citizen for preservation of Earth and all forms of life