Monday, November 20, 2017


Such a fact is not rewriting history. It is history! The fake most controversial U.S. president stooped even lower when he illegally attacked, invaded and occupied Iraq in 2003. Ashes from the Twin Towers were still being swept up after 4000 people died with some jumping to their deaths from International Trade Center windows.  For his first eight months as president he was on vacation golfing, fishing and hunting ducks. During this time he ignored threats to "get U.S. bases out of Saudi Arabia or be attacked" while not listening to foreign news alerts that the same nation was training members of Osama bin Laden men to fly planes into U.S. buildings. Most of the actual planes were flown by Saudis as 24 members of that dysfunctional family were with G. W. as quests on the hill who were discussing an oil pipeline in Afghanistan, a two-nation coalition. Although all flights were immediately cancelled, the  imposter  ordered that his business friends, the Saudi family, flee immediately with no one to stop them. The oil-war crimes of "bring em' on' G. W. Bush are real. The irony is he was against helping to stop environmental global warming but Al Gore would have opposed the sky heater HAARP too–together with no attack on Iraq with its after affects and fallout still haunting Earth. What a paradox of evil. And why did his family buy 100.000 acres in a remote region in Paraguay?  It is a perfect hideaway for those committing war crimes, as the Nazis did when they escaped to South America. And what about Grandpa Prescott Bush making the family fortune through Nazi ties?  G.W. Bush is also a sex harasser on the Hill. 

"An American war against Iraq is not justified by any imminent threat to the United States nor does it have the backing of the United Nations Security Council.  An American war against Iraq without explicit authority from the United Nations is flatly illegal."–United States Security Council

"Let it not be said that people in the United States did nothing when the U.S. government declared a war without limit and instituted stark new measures of repression."–from 'Not in our name' statement of conscience against war with Iraq"

World Enlightened News, W. E.N
Author, certified historian of Songbird Angels For Inrernational Peace