Wednesday, January 29, 2014

MAD TORQUEMADA–Predocesser of Military Torture

Today a poem of mine comes to mind after President Obama's'  address.  I'm so relieved that he mentioned a goal for winding down torturous wars  to a roar.  This will help wean off warmongers committing youth-killing aggression with baby-deforming munitions. The US Alien Tort Statute of 1789 prohibits torture–that certainly includes life-long birth malformations.

                                                            TORQUEMADA MAD–Predocesser of Military Torture
Helene Smith ©copyright 2013

(to rhythm of hip hop)

Mad Tomas was his name, so Spaniards say.
Persuasion militant of dark dismay.
Unleashed fanatic violence to make men obey, not OK

Torquemada!  Torquemada!

Dominican extremist, died in 1498,
Suppressed heathens and heretics,
After Columbus "discovered" land, indigenous fate.

Torquemada!  Torquemada!

Water-boarding–to abuse and cause pain–no fun water game,
Warped monk dunked victims, in fiendish delight,
No compassion–military tribunal–kangaroo court, its real name

Torquemada!  Torquemada!

Confessions from non-believers under torturous stress,
Make false statements, men forced to endure,
Excruciating corruption and cruel duress.

Torquemada!  Torquemada!

Archaic war turkeys strut in arrogant strides,
Command youths to torture youths, unknown, as all men cry,
Strangers from foreign lands–as soul also die.

Torquemada!  Torquemada!

 Detainee's heads shaved, painted with a cross,
New shades of savage strangulation, blows of shock and awe,
No blood allowed by Inquisitors, but torture at any cost.

Torquemada!  Torquemada!

Church and state, perilous marriage more than it seems,
Jefferson and Madison, wise men of old,
 Recognized insidious, devil-made schemes.

Torquemada!  Torquemada!

No legal charges, a war-board game,
Madmen invent own law and order,
 Not playing by rules, even a kid would feel shame.

Torquemada!  Torquemada!

Truth hiding through codes and secrets,
Covering dirt like a cat in a litter box,
Hypocrisy spun in transparent webbed nets. 

Torquemada!  Torquemada!

Denying human rights, an inherent law,
War–man's worst serial crime,
Spelled backwards is raw.

Guantanamo! Guantanamo!