Until the original Abrahamic persuasions stop their continuous bloody revenge, the Earth and its radical warriors will froth at the mouth to annihilate one another in turmoil. Deadly corporate manufacture and export of deadly child-deforming munitions would grieve the great peacemaker Jesus who once walked on the road to Damascus.
Dear Ones,
Why would this great prophet want to come back to a devastated world fixated under a continuous black cloud of war economy? His wouldn't be safe among bombs and drones killing civilians after he had already been crucified for religious rivalry. There's cosmic universal infinity out there for him, probably why he never returned.
We ourselves must become great peacemakers to keep Earth and its people in a healthy and happy environment. Look at the faces of terrorists, mouths drawn down in hatred as they cause terrorism to themselves and others.
We must ban the God of Greed. He is with us still as he is causing the death of our planet.
helenesmith1.blog spot. com