Sunday, August 3, 2014


For centuries Christians have persecuted atheists, agnostics and the rest of the world not subscribing to the dogma that Pharisee Paul and Peter started at the first church in Antioch Asia Minor (now Turkey) where their followers were first called Christian in derision.  Paul also was an accomplice in the stoning to death of biblical Stephen, the first Christian martyr.

Dear Ones,

Since Jesus of Nazareth left no documentation or any written word, Paul's followers have been ingrained with dogma of the New Testament (mostly influenced by Paul) later tacked on to the Hebrew Bible against the will of the Jewish people.  But now through TV there is a channel that will reveal even more disillusions about ongoing man-made radicalism.

Today, as stated in The New York Times, a new television channel premieres through the Internet.  With high tech communication people the world over no longer tolerate bigotry. David Silverman, president of American Atheists, is an entrepreneur in evolutionary thinking to save the world from  extinction caused by archaic religious warfare still entrenching our planet–our only sustenance. Earth is  now contaminated by accumulative toxic child-deforming munitions, more carbon and CO2 than any other industrial polluter. War is also the world's largest gas guzzler that keeps the price of petroleum high.

Dear Ones,

This new TV communication challenge will provide everything from politics to science and even comedy to bring the world to freedom from dark, Dark Ages of the torturous Christian Inquisition and the bloody Crusades, a word that historically stems from "cross."

American Atheists founded in1963 advocates the quintessential separation of church and state. Progressive trend-setters are looking forward to the freedom of speaking the truth–facts and reasoning power–with criticism that has been retarded for decades on end.  Many people are still afraid to admit their real spiritual feelings or anti-religious thoughts.  First American nations do not worship nature or any superficially-made deity. Instead dedicated traditionalists respect nature and all its beauty–Mother of all nations, Earth.

Since religion is big business, there also must be amends to tax-free church property that has made the Pauline religion the richest in the world, with First Americans still witnessing their inherent gold from the New World embellishing European cathedrals–stolen goods that violates one of the Ten Commandments.

Fresh enlightenment will help the world understand why the circle of fire among the original Abrahamic Semitic religions–Hebrew, Christian and Muslim–still kill one another ever since Paul started his own persuasion in which the Catholic Church still threatens all with eternal burning "in Hell."  The ancient protesters–Protestants–on the other hand are less brutal. They now say  non-Christians are," Heretics forever separated from their God."  Either condemnation is deadly to the faithful.

Why should children who are converted to absolutism live in daily fear from adult bombs and illegal munitions?  Neil Genzlinger of Critic's Note Book notes, "Dogs had their own channel before atheists did."  Mr. Silver announced, "Atheist TV is live and going to stay live until the sun burns out."

Christians will gain strength through his new program that does not bash the human spirit after centuries of psychological abuse. No arrogant faith that proselytizes can run roughshod over the rest of the world regardless of all empowering Popes and sectarian preachers on television daily mesmerizing their flocks with out-of-date, obsolete superstition, the drug that terrorizes with violence.  Destructive fairy tales that deceive and confuse children have to go. Any belief system that trains and causes young people to kill and hate is an insidious, church militant belief system.  Basta! Basta!

To help the cause of freedom of international worship no religion should continue to proselytize, the dagger that still provokes one faith against another.  In order to counteract proselytizing started by Paul who was hanged for his radical ideas of absolute religion, this menace must must be headed off at the pass–in words of the old Western movies.  The church later sainted him for promoting the Great Commission to go throughout the world and usurp other people of their beliefs.

This movement along with the divine" thrust to move newcomer settlers into indigenous lands for intentional extermination (genocide from Manifest Destiny) and the Final Solution of the Hebrew people are three of the most destructive evils in the course of world history.

Tithing church members still pay missionaries to invade other nations and threaten them with hellish, devilish ideas. However,  these same messengers are bringing back dangerous diseases similar to  the times of the great plagues also caused by the early Great Commission.  Fortunately, these epidemics are now curable through vaccines.

Unfortunately other faiths are fighting back with their own proselytizing.  But now some foreign nations are starting to tax the intruders for shirking their national property taxes that support fair share in funding their communities.

Advocate for supporting traditionalist First Americans