This United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was formed in 1950 following WWII. This enlightenment was an urgent response to Nazi Germany viciously exterminating Hebrews and some non-Jewish "races,"better known as nationalities. Adolph Hitler, madly possessed by bigoted ideology, judged Aryan Caucasian stock as being a pure and superior "race."
Dear Ones,
This mass genocide was rooted in prejudicial division of humanity into different species–American Indian, Caucasian, Maya, Negroid and Mongolian. Carl Linnaeus and Johann Friedrich Blumenbach also separated this pigment classification into a system of color-coding people–black, red, yellow and white.
These men actually thought Adam and Eve were Caucasians (named for mountains around the Black Sea)." Blumenbach proclaimed all peoples were degenerate and predicted they will eventually return to the "white race"–a bogus term used for humanity started in the 1700a.
Blumenbach proclaimed, "I have allotted the first people as Caucasians because their stock displays the most beautiful race of all." If you look up the word bigotry in the dictionary, there's a picture of this historic man.
Over the passing of time brown was added when these different divisions of people were permitted to marry. At one time the Irish weren't permitted to marry the Italians, with both looked upon as black, what meant slavery. So paradoxically, we keep calling people of African descent black. (Africans shipped to islands also have this ancestry.)
Racial discrimination and physical profiling with rival colors is still rampant, especially in America. The hierarchy of fake race marches on through the myth of people thinking they are superior over others they bully.
The foremost premise of UNESCO boils down to, "There is no biological or scientific determination for race." The best we can do is show all people mutual respect, dignity and equality of man (short for human.) The US Federal Bureau of Investigation claims "white"originally included only residents of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. (1978)
UNESCO disclaims any group of people as superior or inferior as many throughout history have tried to eliminate each other completely. Isn't that what terrorism and violence of war is all about?
historian, author of Straight Talk About Forked Tongue Religion