World history of religion is a deep-seated bloody one. Whether militants are trained to torture, stretch to death, burn at the stake or decapitate, it all comes under the heading of terrorism. War is the slaughter of innocents.
This violence against humanity is evil at its worst. It represents endless wars as seen throughout the past. They cannot be won! Since savage revenge has never worked in centuries to stop this human carnage in days gone by, the horror of its crossfire involves us all.
Dear Ones,
When any inhumane movement is in cahoots with governmental or political sectarianism, the radical fanatical extremists will eventually topple by the weight of their own burdensome terrorism.
Endless writers have expressed their aversion against forced, superstitious control and power for hundreds of years. And Hebrew, Christian and Muslim faiths are based on law.
"Persecution is not an original feature of any religion; but is always the strongly marked feature of all law-religions or religions established by law "–The Rights of Man, 1791, by Thomas Paine
Ancient religious law books were written during the time when ignorant men looked at the eclipse of the moon or sun and said it was a monster taking a bite out of it! Do we still want to follow this mentality?
We're living in a modern age of science and the threat of cyber wars. Ceaseless bombing causes more retaliation. Let's make friends, not enemies, through intelligent negotiation and serious arbitration. A word to the wise is sufficient.
Mame, spot. com