Secular and sectarian are words having the opposite definitions. Secular is democratic neutrality and justice for all. Sectarian is bias turmoil and unjust bigotry–what the world has been witnessing for centuries–law religions in control of government. Democratic is empowerment of reason in a democratic government.
Dear Ones,
It is quintessential for the force of rational intelligence to rule the world. When any nation governs with law religion it leads through blind faith. Blind faith ruling oozes into darkness of war and anguish. This vicious slaughter breeds more of its kind.
Earth's first religious scrolls were written by celibate monks in secluded monasteries twisting mythological words before their time and warping them by their own opinions–with no editors looking over their shoulders. To them a "young woman" in the text meant "a young virgin."
One ruling of a law religion in the Hebrew Bible is seen in the famous Ten Commandments, added to the Pauline New Testament against the wishes of Hebrews. The first of these laws demands no other god than one separatist male one. In time this mandate set off a powder keg of explosions among all the other thousands of rival, quarrelsome laws among world religions.
During biblical days and even before mortal leaders climbed mountains to bring back a ruling from a god. These man-made inscribed tablets represented primitive governing power, a metaphor of control. So-called heavenly mesmerizing threats from religious authoritarians coerced masses to conform to their own dogmas. And the common man still attempts to control with biased creeds and rituals.
How can anyone believe a deity who tells "his creations" he is a jealous god and that he has to be solely worshiped by all the universe within a cosmos of infinity–including one planet of humans in its milky way making mortal laws among endless galaxies. Gospel truth is an oxymoron!
This prime commandment is the reason why US founding fathers insisted on an iron wall between church and state. It also is mandatory that religion is outlawed in secular schools. For decades the enlightened ones in this matter have fought mission creep in public schools–what still causes the shark effect among religious sects or cults. Superstition and fearful threats must not infiltrate secular education.
Blind faith in government incites the darkness of tyranny and the bloodshed and anguish of war.
"You inflame the rancor of party politics by adding to it the fervor of religious zeal or that of sectarian fanaticism, Or else you do worse–you pollute and degrade religion by making her the handmaid of human power or the partisan of personal ambition.–Church and State in the United States, 1964 by Phelps and Pffefer
As Eleanor Roosevelt wrote, "I do not want church groups controlling the schools of our country. They must remain free."