This Spanish priest, a Dominican. represented the rotten apples of the church who tortured American Indians, also had grisly assistants who brutalized "heretics"–anyone who didn't believe in the Christian faith. The overpowering "Holy Office" held back no restraint during the Inquisition, a network of 24 stations where non-Christians were tortured. Today this same Inquisitional militant tribunal government goes by an obscure name. Sadly, archaic despicable "holy"torture lasted from 1420-1498. It is now carried out in prisoner-of-war prisons, secretly.
Dear Ones,
The CIA has euphemized the term "excessive interrogation." In reality it is the most horrid, unbearable gross infliction of pain used to extort confession or to aggravate further punishment from human beings, many "detainees"–prisoners–who are still in Abu Grab when the former administration conducted a dragnet and never even charged them for a crime.
Today President Obama has finally after years of attempt, released half a dozen of these men from prison where they were tortured with judiciary action. The hold up was that no nation wanted to take these men stained by a blanket statement that they were all conspirators and killers. Some of the young men were only in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Origianlly torture was inflicted on victims to inhibit their own free thoughts and conduct their own belief systems. This insideaous system was used by all nations of modern Europe as well as ancient Rome and Middle Age Inquisition when the church first adopted it to make victims confess their guilt, even though they were not guilty of anything. The method was carried out b "fire" and "water." No one knows how many thousands of people the church burned alive on stakes and water boarded,
The Alhambra Decree was written to annihilate the Hebrew people and to gain more power throughout Christendom. Those human being were stretched on " racks" to make them convert. They often became "crypto-Jews" to end the excruciating torture, as many secretly gave into the "hammer of heretics."–Tomas Torquemada. Anyone who refused to convert died. During that time 200,000 Hebrews were removed from Spain and became refuges. (Some people think Columbus was saved by royalty sending him on a journey to find a new route to the East.)
These church victims were also forced to wear a "heretic" robe with demons, dragons and snakes, straight out of the Hebrew Bible's book, Revelation of the unknown John, who was banished to Patmos Island of Greece, hallucinating at age 100. This method of punishment also tortured people made out to be witches and wizards burned alive or hanged by the church and government working in cahoots with one another, in Europe and in New England, USA.
Other branches of the Abraham religion didn't torture anyone who disbelieved. They allowed conquered nations to keep their original dogmas and decrees. But today, in revenge, other faiths torture those who are considered infidels.
In 2003 when the Bush Administration was invading, attacking and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, I was concerned over torture policies that are illegal in International Law. I was in Portugal and later read that war prisoners on ships there were torturing as governments got away with this murder achored at seaports since they couldn't do it lawfully on land. John McCain, whom we know all know he suffered though brutality, vehemently stressed this inhumane method didn't achieve reliable iinformation, despite what the Bush CIA related officials claimed.
Any authoritarian who supports this vicious part of war should by water board to see how they feel about the subject,
At that time the United States exported the most torture devices of any other nation, according to the ACLU. However, the same liberty minded organization is backing down on human rights they fought for over years of time. Mysteriously, as if they've changed their loyalty to civil rights, are now asking for pardon instead of apology.
So what does the United States do to reclaim or respectable name, covered up secretly by the former administration what committed war crimes? Do we just brush them off as "boys will be boys." Does the world conduct two laws, one for Christion nations and another for Muslem nations to exonerate themselves? If tis pardon is givien, what will haven to International Law attmepting to quell war crimes?
What does the world do when pardoning crimes only increase the crimes by duel laws, one for us and another one for them. To each other we're all infidels. A spoonful of honey is worth a pound of cure.
For one thing, any authoritarin who supports this vicious part of war should go through water torturing, called another euphemized word. Give him the same board treatment.
Another issue that needs to be addressed in the Catholic Church Militant. To start with, this world richest hierarchy should apologize for all its transgressions against humanity, especially the world Inquisition that the church calls the "Spanish Inquisition." It was totally for the Christianizing of planet Earth evolving in a cosmos of galaxies that the church claims their three gods control!
Regarding this same evil, any branch of the Abraham religion that tortures and kills also needs to apologize to the world. How else will this endless circle of fire stop killing young soldiers and deforming their babies with lethal ammo? And because money is always the bottom line in any agreement, each side should compensate one another for their atrocities by building secular schools on their lands since they do not cause wars that in turn cause poverty and ill health. Unbised education is the ony way of world progress. This has already been proven by religious-racist wars the rule of law.
How else will centuries of bloody revenge cease and all people start living and loving one another instead of conniving to kill one another over religion drenched in superstition–the world's first religion that sacrificed humans and eventually animals? Earth is still committing wars that torture on battlefields and urban war zones unlawful under International Law.
And lastly, there is the most magnanimous answer to stop this horrid ongoing human torture, what war is all about. However, this is not my advice but one that Mahatma Mohondas Gandhi gave to two of his friends suffering from the deaths of their sons–both in anguish and grief–Christian and a Muslim. See my next post. This one's already too long.
Mame, historian, investigative journalist and poet who wrote Torsquemanda, about the grand over seer of the unholy Inquisition, water torturing and all. Author is the founder of Erase Black-White Labeling (EBWL)