Wednesday, December 17, 2014


So here we all sit while young people lose their lives in wars and cop brutality provoked by separation of ethnic groups that cause rival divisive stress and deaths. Three-Branched Abraham wars still foment and froth with madness.  Can't we change our attitudes and our penchant for aggression while in the midst of physical profiling American Africans, as we profile American Indians?  Are we so willing to follow bigoted mind-sets that think the 'white race" was superior to dark complexioned people?

Dear Ones,

Aniti-Jewish Semite Ernst Hackel, Daniel Gasman and Johan Friedrich Blumenbach coincided with  European slave holder's international trade.  These men negatively influenced Hitler and Nazism that caused the Holocaust of gassed human beings.

America's founding fathers falsely justified the color classification of a hierarchy of so-called white people believed to be superior over American indigenous people and captured residents of Africa for free labor.  This movement was all part of Aryan bigotry.

This racist nationalism (one step away from Fascism) controlled and violated human inherent rights  virulently rampant today from programmed, conditioned ancestors tainted by religion and race.  J. F. Blumenbach (1752-1840) was highly praised among elitists and scientists of their time. Blumenbach loved the Caucasian mountains by that name in the area of Georgia. He opined that the people living there were the most beautiful "white"  people in Europe and the world–and the most superior.

Indo-Europeans came from northern India and started the caste system there, another name for human divided classification into rival racism. Race is a word that started during the Roman Empire when emperors provided Circus entertainment with slaves racing to death on chariots drawn by horses. The term is now a word to divide political parties as well as define sports running events.

The word  "racial" is also a modern meaning that refers to rival wars and racist rogue cops.  Let's put back the term race on the horse track where it started.

Mame.   co-author of book with George Swetnam (feature writer of former Pittsburgh Press) The Carnegie Nobody Knows [includes mention of the Carnegie Hero and Peace Award]