Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Ring out liberty and happiness throughout the lands! Humor is universal. The only one not laughing is the butt of any joke.  Satire brings out truth faster than bleach on any stain.

Dear Ones,

Some people complain that a movie about a dictator being assassinated is being shown on Christmas Day.  Do they forget that the arms of Jesus of Nazareth were nailed into a wooden cross, as people continue to worship him as Christ–especially on Christmas day!"

And in regard to previous movies, besides Charlie Chaplin's The Dictator, there were other films made to satirize political leaders and their dogma.  The Producers was a great hit in the movies and on the stage as a musical about Hitler and Nazism–so-called "white" supremest disillusion still prevalent today.

And don't forget history repeating its dark events, with flag burning and stuffed straw bodies to represent real people hanged or burned up in in effigy, symbolically to stop rogue leaders from violating inherent human rights.

In the meantime, I'm so glad to be an American, home of the free! May liberty, joy and international peace catch on like velcro in a united world through laughter and satire–one of the best jewels of humanity to keep us all humble when our heads swell too much and distort our bodies.

Here's to a glorious winter season and holidays for everyone, especially those celebrating Christ's Mass.  author of Constantine the Great, Dyed in Purple