Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I have a goal. To abolish the affliction of divisive color-coding that ends up in religious racial snarling wars of violence and terrorism.  You say that can't be done.  That's what they said about slavery in America.

Dear Ones,

The father of race, German, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, used Carlos Linnaeus' classification of species and turned them into physical profiling through colors in the late 1770s.

Ever since then religious racial wars have became manifold, with more conquest for power, greed and control than ever before as varied sectarian religions and their dogmas  are as many as there are people with their own convictions.

This separation of human beings influenced Hitler and Nazi Germany in attempting to be the master race.  He invented a hierarchy of a  caste system that Caucasians and Indo-Europeans ran with and ended up in the horrible, Holocaust–a genocidal serial crime against humanity as toxic military munitions and non-depleted uranium weapons are outlawed by International Law, but not enforced.

No wonder why world wars are endless as they smolder and fire up annually.
"Half the wars of Europe, half he internal troubles that have vexed European States . . . have arisin theological differences or from the rival claims of church and state."–The American Commonwealth, 1888

Now add the additional terrorism of Muslim and Jewish wars of more recent eras with all the slaughter.

helenesmith1.blog spot.com   author or drama The Return of Aaron Burr, a ghost history taking place in St. Marys, GA