This violatile,threatening bigoted menace is still at work, although often masked as benign candlelight religion. The satanic WWII Holocaust was influenced by the Father of Racism who divided humanity into color-codes through a hierarchy that placed Aryan people (first ones called "white") at the top and those of darker complexion–yellow, red and black–below them with the latter one meaning everything negative. Religious racism can be powerfully subtle in the form of psychologically mind-set to suppress and oppress others in the name of a god.
Dear Ones,
Indo-European religionists were the first people to invent the caste system in India, that divides people according to tones of melanin. Despite this offense against justice, in modern years India has grown into the largest democracy in the world, a very commendable occurrence.
Nazis during WWII, under leadership of the Fuhrer, were patriots of the Father of Race. This leader (mentioned below) thought the most beautiful people lived near the Caucasian Mountains of Europe, that inspired the word Caucasian.
This happened during the 1700s after Carlos Linnaeus had divided humanity and animals into separated species, not races. The word "race" harks back to the Roman Empire when deadly, divisive chariot races were held for political rivalry in sports using color for identification,
Ruthless Nazis used warped prejudice to destroy massive amounts of people through religious genocide. Those targeted were: Jews, Romanis, Slavs, Gypsies, P.O.W.'S, Jehovah Witnesses, political opponents, plus physically, mentally handicapped people. Twins especially were used for grotesque medical experiments.
Hitler was a baptized Christian and used religion to mesmerize his flocks, such as only holding night meetings in candlelight instead of daylight when everyone was alert–what he learned from his childhood. This all comes out in his book Mein Kampf as dictated to Rudolf Hess while Hitler was incarcerated in prison. For years this book was given as a gift to German high school graduates.
Page after page rants on in highly insulting language against Hebrews he thought were trying to rule the world through finances and the press. His shallowness kept him from realizing these long-suffering people for centuries were even denied employment, other than loaning non-Jews funds. At that time churches prohibited members from being money-exchangers and lenders. Over the years they became experts in finance, yet have been ridiculed for their expertise every since then.
"White' uneducated supremacists still taint the world with the disillusion that Aryans (light complected, blue eyed blondes) are supreme among a multitude of sects and cultures goose-stepped as the so-called master race. This fact excludes the good, benevolent people of Germany.
Today, the name of German Johann Frederich Blumenbach remains the most sinister divider of humanity into races–the Father of Race–what keeps triggering wars and terrorism in a circle of fire–three related branches of the Abraham religion.
Since these vicious persuasions fueling endless wars for centuries of terrorism with their absolute man-made dogmas and Inquisition, the rest of the world has been caught in the cross-fire for untold years of suffering. It is only poet justice that radical faiths should be ridiculed through cartoons. Respect for other ideologies does not meaning physical violence or terrorism. Mahatma Gandhi believed in the strategy of "Non violence is mightier than weapons of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man."
The world is fed up with physical and mental bashing by fanatical, sick extremist branches of the same original Semitic religions that target children early in life for programming and conditioning. This affects entire lives and the lives of proselytized people as well. The innocents end up being the targets.
The worst man-made atrocities were caused by The Great Commission, Manifest Destiny, the Inquisition, slavery, cross-bearing Crusades, the Inquisition. Abrahamic related extremist terrorists and the Final Decision.
Added to this is the illegal Bush administration carpet missile attack on Iraq and Afghanistan followed by torturing prisoners of war, some swept up in a mass dragnet, in spite of US policy against torture. All this for nothing except "Oil on the Brain"–an old song.
Young men are being trained to take revenge, especially against government torture of their own people, an ongoing vicious circle of retaliation. Unfortunately ill-advised leaders have no idea how far-reaching and complex their bad decisions are, especially in children whose fathers and families have been killedtand suffer through foreign combat.
General Colin Powell warned against such unwarranted aggression that would break these nations. As he feared, in a sense the US would own the bombed debris and responsibility for cleaning the impossible affront to the environment of the Cradle of Civilization in the Mesopotamian region, with many of their world artifacts destroyed and lost during bombing.
Massive deaths and anguish caused by deadly ammunition cause horrible deformities and explosive abortions affecting babies, especially in Fallujah–generational genocide. Radical extremists often become militant by striking back on their own with arsenals of guns and suicide bombing. It takes a lot of hatred to take your own life with the motive of being a martyr.
Today illegal torture has sparked atrocities among young men. The administration that opened up Pandora;s Box has tainted and corroded the values that the United States is proud of having. Perpetrators of all law religions soon forget but deadly violence is often planned for years on how to get even, especially when their leaders are killed in a circle of fire. This is the formula that radical religious racist strife has always taken for centuries of reigns of terror.
author of So Circles the Eagle (pen name Erin King) founder of ERASE RACE