Thursday, March 26, 2015


In America, land of free speech, sometimes humor takes on the irony of satire. Often words ring true and are very profound.  "Take up your sword and run.  Retreat, retreat so you can live another day!"

Dear Ones,

Self-survival is a strong human instinct that the military tries hard to squelch through death or some other punishment–the only corporate business that can end your life through combat or imprison you  for being AWOL in a war economy. Whatever good parents teach youths the inhuman combatant military destroys. Sadly even though soldiers live through traumatic training and hostility, as well as the aftermath among veterans, more than 22 commit suicide each day. And the programmed world is proud to sacrifice them as battle zone burnt offerings to the corporate gods of w

Mark Twain followed his natural instincts as soon as he experienced savage slaughter and chaos of his first U.S. Civil War Battle in the 1860s, with  men fighting the same old theme song–"Rally around the flag, boys" for another racial war. If he hadn't run saying "I'm out of here!" the world would have lost some of the greatest humor and literature of all times.

But so many warlords say, "This war had to be committed for states' rights."

"Wrong! This bloody aggression was fought over license to enslave people captured in Africa against their inherent human rights. And the slave trade was rampant in both the North and the South."

"But it was a good war because President Lincoln freed the slaves."

"No! In the 1830s England freed their slaves through Parliament without a killer war. And the US could have done the same through Congress."

My hero, President Barack Obama keeps his campaign promises, unlike fickle leaders who lie and break the comitment of their word.  He is unique.

He also inherited a trillion dollar charge plate war from the war crime Bush Administration that recklessly got the United States into a perilous international in the Middle East and the Tigris Euphrates Valley of Mesopotamia.

This area fanned out and is still flaming with grief from tens of thousands of deaths in the Iraq attack of 1003 carpet bombing–water, land and air contamination with babies still born with deformities so gruesome they die from all the toxic emissions and poisonous ammunition.

Meanwhile, the United States that hasn't had a civil war since 1865. is now fighting Middle Eastern civil wars that are ongoing with rage.  How long can or will America taxpayers keep up this pace with our own poverty problems and domestic maintenance suffering along with an unreasonable world debt from over the top military spending, what President Obama is trying to balance.

How can we keep paying for building and main tainin g over 4,000 military bases?  Would we allow foreign military bases in the U.S.?  These enormous areas store, dump and burn toxic wastes, that included agent orange, that are polluting Earth?

But we're not alone. Many foreign corporate industrial war and domestic factories drag their feet in giving up dinosaur fuels instead of adapting to renewable alternative energy through, wind, sun and water.  And the most dangerous and dirty fuel of all is nuclear. Some say this all takes time. But these same delinquent companies are not even attempting to change. Their mind sets only push buttons for the present in their own life spans.

As a result, nations internationally are dumping nuclear waste into oceans along with junked radioactive submarines–with Somalia being the most hard hit target since their government is weak as bullies take advantage.  As a result fishermen have tried to get help as other men have turned into pirates to protect their seashores.

Meanwhile we wonder why the oceans are rising and already flooding populated islands from fast melting poles.
