Stop substituting the word "ideology" for religion. This is just another militant euphemism in an attempt to lessen the blow of war.
Dear Ones,
Religious racist war is an endless lame excuse for aggressive absolutist faiths to force their beliefs on the world. This Semitic family of three that all have the Hebrew Bible as their foundation, keeps Earth in flames of carbon and carbon dioxide emissions.
Yet the moral members of each sect are aghast as their rogue warrior leaders invent words of their deities who are peace-loving. Two of these mainstream sects have reformed their ways by belief in equality and democracy.
Man-made, child-deforming, boomeranging ammo and radioactive weaponry–illegal according to International Law & Criminal Court emitted in urban war zones where children live and play–is exported worldwide to keep flames heating Earth as it disintegrates. The original Pangaea on its tectonic plates is breaking apart even further as we live and breathe.
Vice President Al Gore was correct about the threat of excessive co2 in the atmosphere. As a result polar ice is melting rapidly and causing oceans to swell as villages on islands fall into the seas. And next come the buildings of large cities and mansions of those who can't see the writing of all languages on the wall.
Mame, Due to a variety of Helene Smiths, I also am identified as Helene Jingleheimer Smith.