Friday, March 6, 2015


The Jewish Holocaust (Shoah) was horrible and our hearts go out to the people who were victims of brutal, cruel genocide, some say as much as 11 million excruciating deaths and aftermath decease, including other cultures.

Dear Ones,

Holocausts historically have been committed one era after another fueled by deadly bigotry and so-called "white" supremacy greed and control of land and its natural resources. The Holocausts against American Indians and American Africans reaches over tens of millions spanning centuries in all the Americas–people hanged and burned alive, like at the Moravian village of First Americans.

Yet indigenous people and those sold into slavery have never had nuclear bombs to protect them. Instead, long and prolonged as this cultural lag lasts, these ethnic groups are slowly making progress and have become integrated in the United States and elsewhere–a great nation whose democracies are at least attempting to treat everyone as equals through inherited human rights. We're trying to learn from our mistakes.

For the most part we know in 1948 land was taken from the Palestinians to form Israel, as the original Persians and others were thrown out of their land and became refugees. Yet instead of being grateful, the Iranians are suffering by despicable subhuman measures.  It was Nazi Germany who committed the criminal Holocaust, not the Iranians whose ideological religion doesn't condone radioactive genocide coming from a "a deity who is a peacemaker and would never afflict harm on his creations."

Words like Nikita Kruschev's,"We're going to bury you, are just terms, like "We're going to wipe you off the map"–like cowboys against Indians–ignorant words. But Israel actively threatens with illegal nuclear bombs enough to bury and wipe off whom they call their enemy and everyone in between the genocide.

Why else do they store illegal weapons of massive destruction? If used, whatever would be left of world court, would have to exterminate the culprits. I understand why the Middle Eastern president is paranoid, after such subhuman atrocities. Who wouldn't be!  But reason and diplomacy always trump wars where men of a certain age politically sacrifice youths on both sides as burnt offerings from archaic hell's fire times.

However, it would help the world for Iran not to develop nuclear energy in a global economy trying to transform to alternative, green fuels and is making great strides toward such success. This is an opportunity for Iran to jump start ahead and develop reusable energy–what would eliminate sanctions that harm children and women the most. Unfortunately Japan learned the hard way between U.S. nuclear bombs and tsunamies.  This nation is now completely nuclear free.

Yet Netanyahu is transparently threatening ("going it alone") with his own nuclear weapons located above and below ground–enough to start  a third-war annihilation of Earth–illegal according to International Law and Criminal Court. He also broke diplomatic laws by speaking before Congress against the will of the chief U.S. top official. The senators who wrote him a letter are more than pariahs against Constitutional America, now are recorded in the annals of corrupt history.

 I can't believe thinking Jewish people would ever condone such a repeat of genocidal history against all humanity, animals, pets and the environment. Even nuclear physicists working on the Manhattan Project never condoned dropping nuclear or thermonuclear bombs on anyone, friend or foe. Japan was ready to surrender one.  At that time one prominent top general is documented as saying that since billions of dollars were spent on the nuclear bomb, now is the time to test it on an enemy. Christian baptized Hitler was made from the same rotten cloth.

Mame,  Another identity  of mine is Helene Jingleheimer Smith.