Thursday, June 11, 2015


It's the tail wagging the dog.  Each war wastes domestic funds for bloody battle zones instead of using taxpayers money for education, transportation and domestic infrastructure.  Washington war mongers freely and greedily spend  these allocated dwindling funds  (added to the amount reserved for the military treasury) in futile aggression in the Middle East now ablaze.

President George W. Bush acting like a bellicose bully sanctioned the Iraq and Afghanistan attack that triggered one of the three worst wrongful world 's disgraces of the last 70 years.  He now goes down in history with Nazi Germany's holocaust against Jews and President Harry S. Truman's atrocities in dropping atomic bombs on Japan when he knew that nation was in the midst of surrendering.  All this adds up to untold millions of human beings killed and wounded for life.

One prominent general admitted the WWII attack was to justify all the billions spent on these demonic weapons, what set off a cold war of nuclear proliferation and an excuse to test radioactive radiation  on live people.  Germany was prosecuted but Truman, Bush and cronies got away with murder.

There are those who brush away political reckless behavior as "boys will by boys."   Bush wasn't  clairvoyant to see what would happen in the future caused by his thoughtless, reckless decision.  But  thousands of astute  Americans and nations around the world were horrified by his behavior because they knew what would happen by attacking Iraq and Afghanistan, with the Middle East already consumed by civil and proxy wars.

Dear Ones,

Each of the following war categories represent three trillion or more dollars.

1.  the cost of war

2.  the cost of rehabilitation of wounded warriors, especially with greatly increased brain injuries 

3. the aftermath cost of war, rebuilding what we bombed in Iraq and Afghanistan–what the former administration passed on down to the American public that now owns the buildings we bombed into ruins and polluted waste water, what former Defense Secretary, Gen. Colin Powell, warned against.

4. the cost of thousands of worldwide military bases

The most grievous offenders are turkey vulture senators and war lobbyists putting no ceilings on the cost of corporate government weapons and ammunition–spoils of war with profits going to industrial war vendors.  The biased media is also tied into and supported by corporate industrial spending, why they never mention heart breaking deaths of babies born with gross world deformities to parent soldiers who have to deal with war miscarriages and children handicapped for lifetimes.

No one talks about war babies because if they were shown on TV naive populations would be freaked out and that would hamper "patriotism" in any war front.  The sacrifice of soldiers is mentioned every day in prayer with aggressive politicians who never experienced wars wrapping themselves and their churches in bunting proud of burnt offerings of young lives instead of their own boots on the ground.

"Those who live by the sword die by the sword," an ancient truism

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