Friday, June 5, 2015


When one related Abrahamic faith claims three different gods all rivals of one another, there's trouble right here in river city, so to speak.  And there's no Music Man to lead them, except in disharmony.  By now our eyes are open.  Each of these  three fighting religions are never in our lifetimes going to renege on what their divisive authoritarians have been preaching for years–"We're the top dogs."

Dear Ones,

In the heat of this George W. Bush war in the Middle East there is no chance of the hierarchies  going to give up their world military dominance.  Religious men will shoot and knife religious rivals until nature takes our only home, Earth, away from us, as it dies from explosive toxic industrial military fumes as we all gasp from greenhouse gases and Nazi nerve gases, now many made into deadly pesticides.

In the meantime, we all must learn about the Abrahamic faiths and how they were founded with similar ideology. There's always an angel or a saint, like Gabriel, or a god speaking to Paul or Moses with the head leader in a trance or dream or from a mountain top of each of these persuasions–typical ancient religions based on fear and superstition.

We all dream but very few of us take these mysteries seriously.  An unknown hundred year old John,  was banished to the Greek Island of Patmas where he had dreams and wrote them down–for instance, red devils chasing people and imaginative dragons that children like to hear about.

However, John's first statement is, "This is my revelation"the coming of the end of Earth. But since this book is published worldwide and given out freely in motel and hotel rooms,  people have made it their revelation, a blind-sighted brain washing.

After the first thousands years people still look forward to the apocalypse and even killed their pets at the end of the first millennium. But with the new year the pious awoke the next day and had to bury their beloved animals. And the end of the life on this planet keeps getting new dates of its demise.

Meanwhile radical religionists look forward to a Messiah or their prophet to return to Earth and its destruction.  And these same people put words in mouths of their deities that the wars they commit are the "will of God."

Every nation has its wars, corruption and hatred of neighbors.  One example is the division of the Israel and Judah kingdom, formerly Palestine under the kings, all rival politics. Just reading the following words of The Popular Educator Library, Vol. 7, p. 3064 gives the reader a clue:

"Throughout the 9th and the greater part of the 8th centuries B.C.[E] Damascus was an unquiet neighbor to Israel and Judah.  The policies of the time exhibit every possible combination in the relation of the three states to one another.  We see Damascus and Judah united against Israel; Damascus and Israel against Assyria . . . Damascus against Assyria with Israel standing aloof. " Damascus was an adversary to Israel all the days of Solomon."

Israel's early secession  was to substitute for one considerable state two subordinate principalities–Israel and Judah, neither of which were strong enough to subsist, the division of the Hebrew Kingdom, as told in the Hebrew Bible.

Today Israel has built a wall to keep  Palestinians  out as it also persecutes the disfranchised citizens treated as refugees.  With this archaic trouble still fuming and foaming with hatred, why is the United States involved in this futile long-lived retaliation?  Help the people in need of food and water, but more Earth quaking munitions only get stolen and boomerang or keep the killing fields running in blood.

Why doesn't the Middle East solve its own ongoing extremist religious problems that existed in archaic history before the United States of America became a reality?  This unique nation has kept its 50 states in harmony with one another through a constitutional democracy, now trying even harder for equality for all people.

But there's one last chance to save Earth from its own people. We must all open our history books and learn about the facts of these religions trapped in a ceaseless circle of fire with the rest of the world caught in its crossfire. We must join hands and talk about our grievances, especially what caused non-stop revenge continuing from one generation to another, with young people recruited as soldiers in the dark about the causes of these archaic faith wars.  Some people are already forming study groups to do this in synagogues, churches, mosques,  clubs and social groups.

To save the world's young people fighting over parents ancestral wars, they must be taught what is behind the carbon smokescreen of endless war.