Why can some authoritarians in high places break world law and get away with thousands of murders and not be prosecuted, even though other guilty governments are enforced to abide by law and order through justice and equality! When favoritism rules by imperialism and bias the revenge is endless and violent, especially in the name of "God" and "oil."
Some people think American founding fathers believed all men are created equal. When the word "man" is a shortened form of human, this is true. But all men and no women were not given their inherited rights. There are good and bad politicians.
Dear Ones,
The inherent endowment of American Indians and American Africans was prohibited from their natural birth, the human right of being born free. Its was the will of man to ignore these people captured for slavery and deny them equality and justice for centuries.
Even after the Civil War between the North and the South, these nationalities were persecuted in the aftermath by "Jim Crow" laws made up to intimidate them and keep human beings from voting so slavery would make elitists prosper and enjoy luxuries from the free labor of others. By calling dark complexioned people black, code for slave, is blatant racial profiling. Remember, Italians and Jews were called blacks and until recent years not allowed to join private country clubs.
Lexicons describe the word "elite" as–people who are the best, good, chosen and superior. But whose judgmental eyes decide who the chosen ones are if "all men are created equal"? History records that all primitive peoples thought they were "chosen by the gods" because they only knew about their own tribal cultures that had no property boundaries.
Bewares of any nation or group thinking they are the kings of Earth, one step behind gods. The vast Roman and Holy Empires were disillusioned by this falsehood. And in its lust to rule the world by conquering through endless wars, imperial power and greed fell with a hard blow and never recovered, other than the fallable Vatican of imperialism.
No one owns Earth. Earth owns us in world fields where poppies grow, beneath the crosses row upon row.
helenesmith1.blogspot,com investigative journalist and founder of ENLIGHTENING WORLD NEWS blog, author of essay ERASE RACE! etc. and 50 published books based on history and the arts.
One was presented and financed by the author as a complementary 250 page, 11X 8 illustrated book for all members of Congress, president and vice president in the Dirksen Senate Building–to help establish First American rights taken from them by the corrupt unelected regulatory agency in the Department of the Interior, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
This is the SECOND CENTURY OF DISHONOR following Helen Hunt Jackson's 1881 book, THE FIRST CENTURY OF DISHONOR concerning America Indians, also presented to all members of Congress.