Friday, August 14, 2015


President Castro, cementing the deal, deserves kudos, too.  Entrapped Cubans too long have had to endure being the anvil that has misshapen their lives and denied them normalcy.  Fortunately President Obama has made this progress one of his many priorities, as well as holding the military down to a roar.  Warmongers claim, "God told me to increase corporate government weapons"  to kill and keep on killing, an  archaic religious rite still controlling the world at large. Right is  might.   Not, might is right,

Dear Ones,

Sorry about the delay in writing my daily blog.  I've taken a leave of absence to sell my house in another state.

Those opposing this civilized diplomacy  instead of continuing an embargo that from the start was a failure, decades over due, need to grow up big time.  When the colonists realized freedom from British tyranny and oppression under the hammer of Great Britain, they didn't believe in equal rights and human inherent rights when it came to American Indians, American Africans and American women.

Rome and the United States weren't built in a day.  It took centuries and a Civil War with untold numbers of American lives lost with an aftermath that still is fomenting with divisive rivalry of racist violence, even though color-coded race is a bogus system that the father of race invented in the late 1700s.

With young people today in the U.S. and Cuba, democracy will happen in a very short time, when the old stuffy fogies get out of the way of humane progress. Why would anyone want to keep a neighbor and friend down and prevent Cubans social and economic success?  Only arrogant suppressive tyrants and evil doers would be that foolish.

Added to this extremist terrorism Jeb Bush is threatening to beef up the military as his brother committed international illegal genocide,  a device of chemical warfare in the Gulf wars.  That  administration was never prosecuted for this war crime that opened up Pandora's Box of sectarian violence in Iraq and the Middle East.  With father Bush, director of the CIA in charge of sterilizing American Indians exposed by Senator James Abourezk in the 1970s, haven't we had more than enough militant Bushes in the White House?

Helene Smith (Mame),

founder of World Enl––ightening News (WEN), author of essay Erase Race Now!
