Tuesday, August 18, 2015


By now Earthlings all know the turning world wants peace, not war–unless one's head is buried in desert storm sand.  Those spouting stale rhetoric for band-wagon war utter not one breath of fresh air.

Dear Ones,

Any candidate trumpeting for beefing up the military and bombing foreign oil fields that contaminate the so-called enemy and lungs of the perpetrators as well,  has serious mental problem. The clueless are stupid about how toxic winds going 'round and 'round with futile bullets and radioactive missiles  perpetrate destruction and suffering on all sides.  Few people realize millions of refugees fleeing their home lands are targeted by land, sea an air.  This combat in turn causes illegal immigration.  What a monster war is!

War is never safe.  It is defenseless.  War is perpetual revenge.  Combat action involves ongoing genocidal aftermaths causing generational deformed war babies. When any nation commits civil wars  they must solve them themselves.  The best safety in life concerns understanding of diverse cultures, especially when it comes to superstition, fear and paranoia–man's first primitive religion with roots still spreading today.

Headline news, lest we forget,  depicted disenfranchised detainees from Iraq with their excruciatingly stretched backs forced against metal frame bunk-beds as fundamentalists profiled humans through torture to  renounce their inherent Muslim beliefs. The Inquisitional religion that originally committed this primitive method of stretch-torture death is forbidden in U.S. government and is prohibited world-wide by International law and its criminal court.

Religious warfare is illegal for all religions whether it is torture by stretching or beheading.  The International Red Cross during the first Bush Iraq attack informed the public of these atrocities–people who often have lapses of memory, even about U.S. rifle scopes having ancient Hebrew Bible verses etched on their lens.  We must all cut out this insane madness in order for our very Earth, our only sustenance, to survive!

"No supernatural reasons are needed to prove that only through kindness can human beings achieve happiness."–Bertrand Russell   (who stands out among many brilliant thinkers of contemporary Western culture). He believed the great religions of  the world are untrue and harmful. When they use any god's name in vein to support war, these persuasions are dangerous to everyone.

Mame (Helene Catherine Snyder Smith, who grew up in Grove City, PA, founder of World Enlightening News (W.E.N.) and author of  essay Erase Race Now!