History of the world records inhumane abuses. If only all nations, even developing ones such as the most recent country in the Persian Gulf at the end of the Arab Peninsula, would come together and celebrate life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This newest nation founded in 1971 (UAE) has a population of over a million people. It has a typical Muslim record that emphasizes commendable scholarly education, health care and freedom of religion by not proselytizing, some of the most important assets on Earth.
Unfortunately for the world extremist Muslims, against the wishes of moderate Muslims, have begun to copycat the Pauline New Testament ruling called The Great Commission to take over Earth with only one biased religion that has a history of the bloody Crusades (meaning cross-bearing) and the torturous Inquisition that stretched human beings to death or burned then alive at the stake if they didn't believe the Catholic faith. Now uneducated Muslims and other forlorn recruited youths have joined al Quada and ISIS chopping off heads to create Inquisitional fear in mimicry as did the old outdated vicious Crusaders who burned people at the stake. Now the new vicious youths of the world are these two extremist uneducated groups taking advantage of other youths who are desperate, without jobs and feel hopeless,
Oh, if only all three branches of the Semite related religion would follow the good teachings of Prophet Jesus the great peacemaker of the world. Jews, too, take advantage of others, such as Palestinians who have to climb through or over over walls built by Hebrews to go to school, to work and to market, as many of them remain in refugee camps. What would Jesus, the great master who would never commit a war or draw blood, say if he really did return to Earth?
Now if only the three branches of the Semitic religion–Jew, Christian and Muslim in order of their founding–could come together for the great cause of humanity with the music of the Appalachian Spring by Aaron Copeland, in the background inspiring what all the good gods teach–blessed are the peacemakers, such as Jesus the great prophet of the world who said the greatest thing is love of one another.
Helene World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)