What a lovely family, with two sweet little girls, so enjoyable to watch. However, Ted Cruz as president would not be so delightful, even though his wife Heidi is such a nice person who influences the family in every Southern Baptist fundamental way. Husband and wife both worked for born-again Christian George W. Bush who blamed "God who told him to attack Iraq" that caused a Middle East holocaust of millions of deaths that in turn led to Afghanistan and Syria, erupting into untold numbers of displaced refugees with young desperate men out of jobs and targeted as recruits for fanatical terrorist jihadism worldwide. Ted Cruz didn't even know the original Jews, Christians and Muslims were all Semites from one related fighting family. Jesus was a Jew who threw out the money changers from the temple.
Some time ago when I heard the senator divulge that he and his wife's family come from zealot missionary proselytizing fundamentalism, I knew this combination would cause a dangerous presidency. Then when he stomped out of a speech he was making that fueled great boohooing, I was even more convinced that he is not presidential and wears his pseudo-religion on his sheave. He accused the dissenters of hatred of Jews in Israel when he mentioned anti-Semitism. When he brought up Israel as a U.S Ally, he wasn't even aware of foreign affairs in which Israels is threatening Palestinians with nuclear bombs stored on top and under ground to use on this Muslim nation that has no way to protect itself other than their own armies and military groups. Israel also makes life miserable with illegal house construction and walls where Palestinians have to make holes through to crawl to go to work, school and market.
Then on TV during the Cruz family interview Ted Cruz spilled the beans. He said that when his father heard he was going to campaign for the presidency, his parent said "Now this will be your new mission!"–to proselytize Earth and unite the church and state again as the Catholic Church continue to wag the world, as it did during the bloody Crusades and torturous Inquisition that burned infidels (unbelievers) alive at the stake. What else would a missionary's mission be.The reason why Christians defend Israel instead of Palestine is because the Pauline church uses the same Bible as the Jews, even though the Jews objected to the New Testament being tacked on to the original ancient Hebrew Bible.
This of course backward change would never happen in the present world because the people would rise up in mass. But today fundamental extremist Muslims who never proselyted before are now copycatting the Catholic Inquisition by chopping off heads of heathen infidels. Cruz mission is also to have the government pay for biased Christian schools and their religious needs. These schools, disguised as "charter," defy and violate the Constitution that aims to keep church and state separate since history has proven drastically how lethal such a faith union has already been.
American Indians especially were brutally persecuted through the New Testament missionary Great Commission to dominate the entire world with churches on every street. On reservations, last of their original lands, fundamentalists took over the indigenous students lives, even cutting off their braids since mission mission didn't believe in the first American culture.
There would be rioting in America if Ted Cruz was elected president, Dangerous religion must never raise its ugly head again!
Helene Smith,
World Enlightened News