As absolute power corrupts absolutely the dissenting opposing historic voices are now mere memories in the prevailing winds. Remember navy seal, and former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura? He spoke out against the G.W. Bush-Dick Cheney's 2003 ill-fated Iraqi war that left Iraq completely disabled by that administration, a war crime against a sovereign nation that never attacked America. Senators Ron and Rand Paul bring to light how the Afghanistan War that started in the same administration has also caused trillions of dollars and loss of thousands of brave soldiers' lives of Americans as well as other good soldiers. Warrior-hawk politicians got away with murder. Jesse Venutura had a well-respected TV show that was banned since that host opposed that illegal war. Now the Paul's also say U.S.soldiers must be brought home from Afghanistan. Combat war veterans commit more and more suicides due to these two nations' battles that brought no good and much destruction in the false name of "nation building"–on steroids. There is more lava from these foreign affair tragedies starting with the first lava from the erupting volcano. Show host Phil Donohoe was also banned from TV as free speech took a vicious hit for this host also criticizing the Iraqi war. Journalist-commentator Ashly Banfield's network was reprehended for saying the media sanitized the Iraq War by "glorifying" a bad strategy as combat veterans are still committing suicide over this perilous, tragic war along with the Afghanistan one that caused thousands of U.S.soldiers lives as tax payers still pay trillions of dollars for this holocaust without any benefits.
H. C. Smith, World Enlighten News, W.E.N. News