The Great Commission to go into the world and preach the words of unknown authors, later called the Gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke and John–since no one knew who they were, are falsely attributed to Jesus of Nazareth who wrote nothing that is documented. The texts were composed after his death when no one could identify their sources. Unknown authors of New Testament books also sent people to a fake hell for control over their minds as their words threatened them to be sheep following their commands.
Dear Ones,
Always consider the source of any material for authenticity. This invented Great Commission is the foundation of evangelicalism and its corresponding belief. The contents of these books came from the early Christian community and a rumor that Jesus, nailed to a cross, was seen alive by a few of his apostles, after he was placed in a cave.
For centuries this command to coerce people of different religions to convert was carried out by Paul, the first missionary. This demand reflects rivalry among other religions that fueled wars for centuries. Today, in counter attack, radical extremist terrorists are copying this historical concoction and forcing Christians and others to convert to their beliefs out of historical revenge, an endless crisis.
Inquisitional murdering to convert is directly causing missionaries to be kidnapped since their foreign messages are still threatening and unwanted. Secular governments are now resorting to ransoms and are transporting these missionaries to their native countries at the expense of taxpayers of diverse religions. Isn't it up to church institutions to fund their own missionaries safely out of the country since they funded their expenses in getting there in the first place?