Ancient paternalistic men had it in for women from the beginning of humanity. This archaic text states babies were born in sin (evil) from the moment of conception! "You are born in iniquity from your mother who conceived you!" Wait a minute–this means we're all screwed from the moment that the first man impregnated a woman! Even though modern Bible scholars have tried to interpret this bogus statement as meaning "born into a sinful world," the Judeo-Christian fundamentalist religion still teaches all people are born in sin.
Dear Ones,
Centuries of this insidious dogma pushed down innocent children's throats and the mothers who give them birth has caused psychological problems of life-times of guilt. Some men even feel subliminal hatred and guilt toward their mothers and aren't aware of it, as the text never involves the father.
How gullible we are to accept such man-invented doctrines that can affect us until our dying day.
So, no more inherent sin for anyone. "The son will not be punished for his father's corruption" is another male chauvinistic pattern. No wonder the Judeo-Christian Bible is so very confusing. Actually the Hebrew Bible (before the New Testament–Christian smaller book–was attached to it against the wishes of the Hebrew people) is a collection of books selected by 70 men, each one arguing over which ancient texts should be chosen. They ended up in a huge book of contradictions, along with the good sayings of prophet Jesus.
One of the ones selected was Song of Solomon. Perhaps this book was unanimously agreed upon since it is a love story of the king and a beautiful, voluptuous African woman. The words describe her lovely breasts and admire her entire body with adoration. At that time Hebrew men over 40 were not permitted to read it.
Meanwhile, the men rejected the book, The Wisdom of Solomon, that contains metaphors likening women to wisdom. I guess the men didn't want any part of giving credit for women's intuition from the very beginning. No wonder women have suffered for centuries!
This obsession that men have had for eons of time explains why they object to common women giving birth to gods and kings. Thus males scorned natural birth and made up stories that royal women who brought important men into the world had to be virgins–a mythological miracle since lords in high places were led to believe sex was an evil necessity of life.