The book, The Birth of a Nation, proved how men in high government places approved of injustice and persecution of humanity. Within the movie are thousands of white figured immigrant Protestants wearing red crosses on their bellies as they marched to have license to torture and kill American Africans, American Indians, Jews, Catholics and Latinos, all with more protective pigment than was in heir own skin. The tactic of burning crosses was started by Scottish clans as they stumbled into battle with one another. Horrible deaths resulted from the tainted belief meaning "my opinion is better than yours."
Dear Ones,
This contrast of complexion resulted when our ancestors lived close to the equator and were conditioned by centuries of living in direct sunlight. When humanity moved north after glaciers melted, they had less melanin in their skin. As a result all dark-complected people have "white" feet and "white"palms that seldom were radiated.
After the Civil War when people–originally held in bondage–were liberated, they migrated north for employment. The loss of jobs was an excuse for "pale faces–as indigenous people called European newcomers–to object to freed men, Was it just a coincidence that over the years KKK members target human beings having dark skin?
Human race, the term invented in the 1700s by a German, is as bogus as religious men disguised in dunce caps and white sheets. Unfortunately out of ignorance of science and history, their beliefs became warped and ooze into hatred still rampant in America. According to medical statistics, people who despise others have more health problems than those who love their neighbors. It's your smile that makes you beautiful.
It's so sad when misdirected adults teach children their own sick prejudices. The Klan especially disliked the United States Constitution that all men are created equal. These misfits twisted this fact to mean their own "white supremacy."
When men in seats of power ignore inherent human rights, hatred ooze out of them with poison fueling more hatred and bigotry until the young people at last will get wise to the harm it is causing within their very souls.
As Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi believed, "Non-violence is the greatest force of mankind."