Sunday, October 12, 2014


                      "There's No Safetty in War"–Virgil born in 70 BCE

The French have a word for spoils of war–butin de guerra.  Illegal munitions that spoil Earth to gain power, natural resources and control through religion amount to genetic genocide.  Deformed babies silenced in the munition abortion of war result when men fail to negotiate and communicate with diplomacy.  This futility of combat is only the top of the volcano that needs to be expunged from Earth.  The spoils of war in ill-gotten aggression erupt in human atrocities and climate chaos.

Dear Ones,

Bob Dyan wrote heart-wrenching lyrics in his song Masters of War addressing world war departments and radical extremist religionists:

"You throw the worst fear that can ever be hurled, fear to bring children into the world, fear threatening my unborn and unnamed. You ain't worth the blood that runs in your veins."

Albert Einstein was even more demonstrative:

"How vile and despicable war seems to me.  I would rather be hacked to pieces than take part in such an abominable business . . . . Nothing will stop wars until the people themselves refuse to go to war."

Instead of war, the United States needs to put its money where its most quintessential concern is–ebola and other domestic responsibilities.  Religion radicals must be squelched with law and order in and near their own homelands.

The radical Christian KKK and other supremacists cowardly covering their faces in the US once roamed the land free-willingly at a time when bigotry was allowed in  lynching American Africans and American Indians–because those in political power and control were of the same ilk! 

Today racism, although still rampant as wild horses in the US, is not condoned and is seen as a deadly blight on civilization.  No foreign nation came over and dropped bombs on North America to kill these ruthless killers wearing white sheets having big red crosses  painted on their fronts. Instead

I immediately think of dear Bobbie Burns who said, "O, if ithers" could only see us doing the same thing we hate in others.

All wars of aggression open Pandora's Box of evil thoughts and evil actions.

Mame,  helenesmith@(macdonaldsward)